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Emmanuel Tjeknavorian

„In terms of virtuosity, intensity, phrasing, tone colour and profound musical understanding, Emmanuel Tjeknavorian has everything.“
Robert Matthew-Walker, Musical Opinion

Since having received the award for the best interpretation of the Jean Sibelius Violin Concerto and having won second prize at the International Jean Sibelius Competition in 2015, Emmanuel Tjeknavorian has achieved international acclaim.
He has been selected to take part in the Rising Stars series of the European Concert Hall Organisation during the 2017/2018 season. While on tour, he will perform in many renowned concert halls in Europe. In 2018, Emmanuel Tjeknavorian will be part of the Orpheum Foundation and will give his debut with the Tonhalle Orchestra Zurich under Michael Sanderling.
The highlights of the current season include engagements with the Vienna Symphony, the Frankfurt Radio Symphony at the Easter Festival Warsaw, the Bruckner Orchestra Linz, the Camerata Salzburg and the Bogotá Youth Philharmonic Orchestra under the baton of Andrés Orozco-Estrada.

He will give recitals at the Rheingau Music Festival, the Andermatt Classics, the Menuhin Festival Gstaad and the Festival Mecklenburg-Vorpommern’s cycle “young elite”.
Despite his career being at an early stage, Emmanuel Tjeknavorian has already performed in the Vienna Musikverein, the Vienna Konzerthaus, the Munich Prinzregententheater, the Boston Symphony Hall and the Helsinki Music Centre. As a soloist, he has performed with the Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra, the Orchestra della Toscana, the Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra, the Boston Pops Orchestra, the Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra and the Munich Chamber Orchestra. So far, he has played with such conductors as Cornelius Meister, Keith Lockhart, Hannu Lintu and John Storgårds.
Emmanuel Tjeknavorian was born in Vienna in 1995 and grew up in a family of musicians. He received his first violin lessons at the age of five and had his first public appearance two years later. Since 2011 he has been studying with Gerhard Schulz, formerly a member of the renowned Alban Berg Quartet, at the University for Music and Performing Arts Vienna.
Apart form the Sibelius Competition he has won numerous prizes at international music competitions and received top prizes at the Fritz Kreisler Competition, the Johannes Brahms Competition and the Eurovision Young Musicians Competition, which was broadcasted throughout Europe as part of the opening ceremony of the Vienna Festival.
Emmanuel Tjeknavorian plays an Antonio Stradivari violin (Cremona 1698), generously loaned to him by a patron of the Beare’s International Violin Society London.

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