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Международен музикален фестивал Варненско лято

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Lilia Boyadjieva

Lilia Boyadjieva's playing has won widespread acclaim:

“Powerful and delicate, masterful and idiomatic” - “Intensity of purpose and bold dynamic control” - “Lyrical, mercurial reading as well as a strong one” - “Power of expression allied to extreme emotional tension”
Audiences at every performance are invariably enthralled, surprised, sometimes disturbed but never indifferent. With unwavering conviction, she has interpreted works from the full spectrum of the established repertoire: from J.S. Bach - for whose music she entertains a very deep admiration and appreciation – to the 20th century music, for which she feels a special affinity - working exhaustively on Samuel Barber and Shostakovich as well as on most Bulgarian and Greek composers - through the standard classical, romantic and post-romantic works.

Her recording of Barber’s complete piano works has been praised by Fanfare Magazine (March/April 1997) as : “… probably the most valuable CD solely devoted to Barber’s keyboard music.” In particular, her interpretation of the Barber Sonata (op. 26), “played with an extraordinary combination of power and delicacy, is one of the finest readings on record.” Among critics, the consensus is that her strong interpretative skills bring new dimensions to familiar works, in addition to being both inspiring and exciting.

Born and educated in Sofia, Bulgaria, she completed her studies at the Moscow Conservatory « P. I. Tschaïkovsky », with Professor T. D. Gutman. Her awards at international piano competitions include prizes at Senigalia (Italy - 1979), Vianna da Motta (Portugal - 1983), Maria Callas (Greece - 1985) and more.

Lilia Boyadjieva pursues a brilliant soloist career mainly in Europe. Invited by prestigious Festivals (Montpellier, Auvers-sur-Oise, Sofia, Athens, Dublin) she performs in recitals as a soloist, with orchestras and with chamber music ensembles in various countries. Radio and television organizations in different countries often broadcast her concerts.

Very appreciated for her teaching abilities, she has taught at the Sofia Musical Academy, in Athens and Paris (CNR, Schola Cantorum). She gives numerous master classes in Greece, France and the U.S.

The American label ARTEK Recordings has recently published her CD “Around the Fugue” – a polyphonic journey from Bach until today – wonderfully brought forth by her exceptional talent. A new Shostakovich CD (2nd Sonata, 24 Preludes and 3 Fantastic Dances) has been produced by the same label in 2009.

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