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Международен музикален фестивал Варненско лято

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Konstantin Kostov

Konstantin Kostov was born in Vratza, Bulgaria, in 1979, and began his piano education at the age of 5. Since that time has been existing his interest in jazz, improvised music and composition on the keys.

He studied classical piano at the Vratza Music School, the State Music School in Pleven and the State Music Academy in Sofia.
In 1997 he won the first prize at the International Competition for Composition in Sofia.

After studying in his native country, he continued his education in jazz piano at the Richard Strauss Conservatory in Munich with Prof. Leonid Chizhik.

In 2003 he received the Grand Prix at the Musikfцrderpreis Gasteig in Munich and in 2007 – his diploma with distinction.
Since August 2008 he has been a lecturer in jazz piano at the University of Music and Theater in Munich.
In 2010 he won the second prize and the public prize at the 1st International Music Competition TEREM CROSSOVER in St.Petersburg, Russia.

Konstantin Kostov gives numero us concerts at various stages and festivals in Europe and Japan. Many of his performances were broadcasted on radio and television.

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