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Международен музикален фестивал Варненско лято

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"Morski zvutsi" choir

“Morski zvutsi“ choir was established in 1956 under the auspices of Varna municipality by Prof. Marin Chonev who was its chief conductor until 2012. From 1978 until 1990 Rositsa Shtereva worked with M. Chonev as an assistant conductor in the Choir of Varna boys and young men. In 1979-2012 she was second conductor of the mixed choir. Rositsa Shtereva graduated choral conducting in NMA “Prof. Pancho Vladigerov” in the class of Prof. Anna Belcheva.

In 1992 she established “Rakovini” children’s choir at the community centre “Elin Pelin”-Varna and with it she won first prize at the choral competition in Neerpelt, Belgium. For 10 years she conducted the men’s choir at the “Dormition of the Mother of God” Cathedral. Rositsa Shtereva is a member of the organizational committee of the International May choral competition ”Prof. G. DImitrov” and member of the jury of the choral competitions in Varna and Arezzo, Italy.
Zhaneta Benun-Nikolaeva have been the pianist of the “Morski zvutsi” choir since 2009.

In 1956 – 1985 under the conductorship of maestro Marin Chonev the choir was awarded the highest prizes at international choir competitions in England, Italy, Bulgaria, Ireland, Hungary and Spain. “Morski zvutsi” took part in in national and European festivals in Varna, Ruse, Sofia, as well as in “Europa cantat” – France and Spain. The various repertoire of the ensemble includes choral works from the pre-classic period to modern times. With many Bulgarian and foreign conductors the choir performed “Requiem” by Verdi, Mozart and Brahms; “Stabat mater” by Dvorjak; Beethoven’s “Ninth symphony”; “Gloria” by Vivaldi and Poulenc; Mendelssohn’s oratorio “Elijah”; “The creation” by Haydn and other vocal-and-symphonic works by Bach, Bizet, E. Bloch, M. Theodorakis, Al, Raychev, K. Iliev and M. Kolarov.

Maestro Marin Chohev in cooperation with Rositsa Shtereva and the choir won first and second prize at the competition in Cantonigros, Spain and gave concerts at large European festivals. In 1997 and 2001 the choir had music tours in USA and in 2006 and 2008 – in Israel. Recently “Morski zvutsi” gave concerts in Austria and Greece.

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