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Международен музикален фестивал Варненско лято

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Adrián Schvarzstein

Stage director Adrián Schvarzstein is a mixture of Argentinean, Italian, Spaniard and much more. Clown, actor, circus and theatre director, Adrián is renowned for the creativity of his productions in which both the artists and the audience are immersed.

Schvarzstein has been working on the stage since 1989, studying Commedia dell’arte with Antonio Fava and Dario Fo in Italy, but was also raised theatrically throughout Europe where he has created and worked in many street theatre companies, also passing through the visual arts, opera, baroque music, and publicity.

His one person street theatre shows are one of his trademarks, among them highlights such as The Greenman, The Bed and Dans have reached remarkable successes at the most prestigious festivals.

Circus is also another one of his favorite territories. Schvarzstein creates, directs and acts in productions Circus Klezmer, Call me María, and Seasons which have been performed worldwide. With famed Ronaldo Circus from Belgium, he travelled 4 continents, always pursuing his own artistic personality and the freshness in his shows.

Schvarzstein was long time active at Tel Aviv Opera, where he had the opportunity to put together two of his passions, music and stage work. In 2008 he staged Banchieri’s La Barca at the Dutch Reisoper under the musical direction of conductor Gabriel Garrido.

From the very inception of Le Tendre Amour, Adrián has been the ensemble’s associate director, having produced together several projects such as C.G. Lidarti’s Esther, J.J. Rousseau’s Le Devin du Village, G.B. Pergolesi’s La Serva Padrona, and A. de Literes’ Los Elementos, all of them performed in many of the most important European Early Music festivals.

Along his career Adrián has been awarded numerous recognitions, amongst them the best actor prize at the Haifa Festival 1998, the Miramiro Prize in 2008 (with his Street Theatre company 'Kamchatka'), the Ernst Prize at La Strada Festival in Graz, Austria and the Zirkolika Prize to the best Circus Director in 2010.

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