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Международен музикален фестивал Варненско лято

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Svetlana Ramazanova

Svetlana Ramazanova is a bright young Russian violinist, her repertoire is very diverse - from Baroque music to works of contemporary composers.

In 2016, Svetlana graduated from the Moscow State Conservatory named P.I. Tchaikovsky, in the class of Professor Sergey Girshenko (modern violin),  Dmitry Sinkovsky (baroque violin), Natalia Gutman (chamber ensemble).
During the studing she also took part master-classes from Ilia Korol, Zahar Bron, Andrew Lawrence King.

Svetlana is the winner of international competitions in Russia, Austria, Ukraine, Italy, a grantee of the Austrian Baroque Academy in Gmunden.

As part of the ensemble Svetlana worked with musicians such as Maurice Steger, Stefano Montanari, Ruben Dubrovsky, Luca Pianco, Yulia Lezhneva, Maxim Emelianichev.

She performed on the best world scenes - the chamber hall of the Berlin Philharmonic, the National Concert Hall of Madrid,
the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory, the Concert Hall of P.I. Tchaikovsky.

Svetlana is a soloist and member of the ensemble "La voce strumentale" (art director - Dmitry Sinkovsky),
first violin of the ensemble "Les Moscovites" and other Moscow groups.

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