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Laszlo Blaskovics – male soprano

Born in Budapest, Laszlo Blaskovics is one of the small company of male singers specialising in the soprano register.  He studied with Prof. Sylvia Geszty, Prof. Krisztina Laki and Prof. Csilla Ötvös in Vienna and Budapest.  In 2002, László won a special prize in the 8th „Sylvia Geszty” International Coloratura Singing Contest in 2002, in Murcia, Spain. His extraordinary voice is a curiosity, its exceptional range enabling him to perform the male soprano repertoire which was so popular during the baroque period. László is the leader, founder and designer of Ensemble Marquise. He designes the costumes, writes the narrative texts, plans the concert programmes and organizes the concerts. “Laszlo has an extraordinary soprano voice, evoking the authentic sound of baroque opera.” Since 2009 he is the soloist of the English early music ensemble, Fiori Musicali as well, and he teaches singing in Budapest in Hungary.

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