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Международен музикален фестивал Варненско лято

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Ensemble Marquise

Ensemble Marquise are a Hungarian group of musicians, who belong to the new generation of early music performers. They bring alive the art and culture of the 18th century with music, poetry, acting and a drop of sensuality.
Ensemble Marquise presents early music concerts mostly in costume. Their repertoire is very broad, from early Baroque pieces right through to Mozart. In the concerts you can hear virtuoso and lyrical arias and duets for two sopranos with the accompaniment of period instruments, as well as instrumental solos and trios. The Ensemble was founded in 2004 by the soprano singer-couple, László Blaskovics and Judit Felszeghy.  Since that time they have been working and performing together with their professional musicians, so the ensemble is very much like a musical family! The harmonic combination of a male soprano and a coloratura soprano voice provides a refined, very special sound and a unique, rarely seen musical experience.  Since 2004 they have performed more than 200 amazing and unique concerts; appearing in mostly in castles in England and Hungary,  but many of  prestigious festivals, concert halls throughout Europe as well. In Hungary Ensemble Marquise is the regular ensemble of the Baroque Theatre in Royal Palace of Gödöllö.


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