Dani Belcheva – “Naive”album

Dani Belcheva – “Naive”album
Milen Kukosharov – piano
Michail Ivanov – bass
Dimitar Semov – drums

Jazz as a way to feel the beauty
The music of Daniela Belcheva is beautiful in every sense. Born in Varna, the sea had left its mark on her and on everything she does in music. She had been part of different choral formations in Varna, then she had spent more than 20 years abroad singing in various bands. And then she decided to come back to Bulgaria. Here she found three of the finest jazz musicians in Bulgaria and took them on a music journey that is ongoing. They have already performed at festivals such as A do Jazz and Plovdiv Jazz Fest. Her first two albums are named Acoustic Me and Silver Button, and the third one is going to be presented at Varna Music Summer. Dani Belcheva chose the title Naive because she believes that naivety is the key to understanding the beauty of music. She proves that right with her elegant way of singing (with meaningful lyrics) surrounded by three masters of subtle jazz improvisation. A truly boutique musical experience!


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